The School/Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, launched TechnoArena, a new research and educational system, in April 2020 with the aim of developing new academic areas that would immediately respond to various social issues and needs, as well as contribute to the design of a future society, while accelerating the creation of innovation through social implementation of research results. The Affiliated Center for Future Innovation is in charge of the operation and supervision of the TechnoArena.
By establishing a flexible system beyond the framework of majors and specialized fields, while utilizing the advanced research seeds of the Graduate School of Engineering, TechnoArena aims to comprehensively achieve the nurturing of an international research base of excellence at the top level, the creation of multidisciplinary new academic areas, industry-academia-government collaboration, and the fostering of young researchers. As such, the TechnoArena is an unprecedented platform for research and education.
The TechnoArena consists of the three divisions of the Center of Excellence in Advanced Research, Incubation, and Excellent Young Researcher Support. In each division, researchers, who have been mobilized after screening by the various divisions and affiliated centers, are engaged in research activities in close coordination with other divisions and departments, and international and domestic research institutions, as well as the industrial arena. In addition to collaboration with stakeholders within the community, we are advancing research and development that will lead to the SDGs. Osaka University advocates the OU Ecosystem, which embraces basic research, social implementation, and even feedback to practical research sites on findings and emerging issues. The TechnoArena is also a place to practice this OU Ecosystem.
About the TechnoArena

Concept of the TechnoArena

The System of the TechnoArena and Its Three Divisions
The TechnoArena sets three divisions of the Center of Excellence in Advanced Research, Incubation, and Excellent Young Researcher Support according to the type of research and development. To develop new academic areas by immediately responding to social issues and needs, we adopt a multidisciplinary, flexible research and study system regardless of departments and divisions.
Moreover, we promote research and educational activities that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, including cooperation and collaboration with a wide variety of stakeholders.

Center of Excellence in Advanced Research Division
The bases are established with the three fields of Innovation, Academic Peak, and Co-creation of a Collaborative Society to form an international or societal engineering base and pioneer new cutting-edge interdisciplinary research fields.
Based on social needs and issues, new academic domains, as well as new fields of research and development, are developed through the integration of fields beyond majors and industry-academia-government collaboration.
Excellent Young Researcher Support Division
Fostering next generation research leaders by supporting excellent young researchers in the development of cutting-edge research activities and the exploration of advanced research fields.
Practice of the OU Ecosystem
As shown in the following figure, the TechnoArena is the place where we practice the OU Ecosystem that implements the results of basic research into the society and finds issues from there to lead such issues to new basic research again.