Modern society is facing a variety of long-term challenges, such as climate change, resource and energy issues, infrastructure maintenance, and industrial technology innovation. These are all sustainability issues that also impact on future generations. This is why new social systems and social technologies are required for generating sustainable decision-making and action that takes into consideration the preferences of future generations.
This research base conducts research on “Future Design.” As well as deepening the theory and methodology of Future Design, we are taking practical action to promote the formation of a sustainable society based on Future Design theory and methodology through “co-creation” with local governments, national government, industries, and other stakeholders. By both developing the theory of Future Design more deeply and applying it to real-world issues, the research base aims to establish a new foundation for social engineering that explicitly incorporates the preferences of “future generations.”
Hara Research Base for Future Design
Director, Prof. Keishiro HARA
The research base focuses on theoretical research (Figure 01) and applied practice through industry-academia-government co-creation (Figure 02) in the field of Future Design, which involves the design of social systems and technologies to succeed a sustainable society to future generations. In addition to the carbon neutral, infrastructure and urban development, and industrial technology innovation designs shown in the figure, Future Design is being applied to various other areas, including environmental and energy issues, disaster prevention, management strategy, and educational systems.
The research base conducts research activities in collaboration with local governments, government and other public institutions, industry, overseas universities, and other universities and research institutes in Japan. In addition, we also collaborate with researchers from various departments within Osaka University.