

大阪大学大学院工学研究科テクノアリーナ最先端研究拠点 フューチャー・デザイン革新拠点部門
  成果等  論文等


  • Hara K, Fuchigami Y, Arai T, Nomaguchi Y, Compatible Effects of Adopting Imaginary Future Generations and Systems Thinking in Exploring Future Challenges - Evidence from a Deliberation Experiment, Futures & Foresight Science, e191, 2024
  • Uwasu M, Hara K, Kuroda M, Han Ji, Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of environmental sustainability in China, Sustainability, 16(13), 5322, 2024
  • Hara K, Miura I, Suzuki M, Tanaka T, Assessing Future Potentiality of Technologies from the Perspective of“Imaginary Future Generations”– a Case Study of Hydrothermal Technology, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 202, 123289, 2024
  • Fujita K, Kurashiki T, Hara K, Ikeda J, Nakamura T, Analysis of the Effects of Adopting "Imaginary Future Generations" on the Design of Technology Development and Business Proposal - Case Study of Workshop at a Plating Processing Company, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2023, 955-962, 2023
  • Hara K, Nomaguchi Y, Fukutomi S, Kuroda M, Fujita K, Kawai Y, Fujita M, Kobashi T, Policy Design by “Imaginary Future Generations” with Systems Thinking - a Practice by Kyoto City towards Decarbonization in 2050, Futures, 154, 103272, 2023
  • Tasaki T, Yokoo H, Tajima R, Yamaguchi R, Characteristics That Influence Individuals’ Intentions to Use and Bequeath Common Assets: Time-Perspective Scales and Demographic Attributes, Sustainability, 15(20), 14832, 2023
  • Hara K, Kuroda M, Nomaguchi Y, How does Research and Development (R&D) Strategy Shift by Adopting Imaginary Future Generations? - Insights from Future Design Practice in a Water Engineering Company, Futures, 152, 103221, 2023
  • Hara K, Miura I, Suzuki M, Tanaka T, Designing Research Strategy and Technology Innovation for Sustainability by Adopting “Imaginary Future Generations”— a Case Study using Metallurgy, Futures and Foresight Science,5(3-4), e163, 2023
  • Hara K, Naya M, Kitakaji Y, Kuroda M, Nomaguchi Y, Changes in Perception and the Effects of Personal Attributes in Decision-making as Imaginary Future Generations – Evidence from Participatory Environmental Planning, Sustainability Science, 18, 2453–2467, 2023
  • Nomaguchi Y, Senoo R, Fukutomi S, Hara K, Fujita K, Utilization method and effect evaluation of systems thinking in Future Design: Comparative analysis of policy-making workshops in local governments, International Journal of Automation Technology, 17(2),183-193, 2023
  • 藤田健, 棚原渉, 倉敷哲生, 原圭史郎, 池田順治, 中村孝司, フューチャー・デザインに基づく持続可能な事業提案ワークショップの実践とその効果に関する研究,JCOSSAR 2023 論文集, 301-307, 2023
  • 細見知広, 近藤元貴, 若本和仁, 原圭史郎, 倉敷哲生, 企業における新規事業提案に対するフューチャー・デザインの効果検証―将来世代の視点による事業提案とその評価, 研究 技術 計画 ,38(1), 113-129, 2023
  • 尾上成一, 田崎智宏(2023)将来世代考慮の制度の類型-世代を超えた公平な社会に向けて-, 環境経済・政策研究, 16(1), 1-10, 2023
  • 細見知広, 近藤元貴, 若本和仁, 原圭史郎, 倉敷哲生, フューチャー・デザインに基づく食分野における潜在ニーズ探索手法の提案, 研究 技術 計画, 37(1), 63-77, 2022
  • Hiromitsu T, Kitakaji Y, Hara K and Saijo T, What do people say when they become “future people”? ―Positioning Imaginary Future Generations (IFGs) in general rules for good decision making, Sustainability, 13(12), 6631, 2021
  • Hara K, Kitakaji Y, Sugino H, Yoshioka R, Takeda H, Hizen Y and Saijo T, Effects of Experiencing the Role of Imaginary Future Generations in Decision-Making - a Case Study of Participatory Deliberation in a Japanese Town, Sustainability Science, 16(3), 1001-1016, 2021
  • Kuroda M, Uwasu M, Bui X.T, Nguyen P.D, and Hara K, Shifting the Perception of Water Environment Problems by Introducing “Imaginary Future Generations - Evidence from participatory workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Futures, 126, 102671, 2021
  • Kobashi T, Yoshida T, Yamagata Y, Naito K, Pfenninger S, Say K, Takeda Y, Ahl A, Yarime M, and Hara K, On the Potential of “Photovoltaics + Electric vehicles” for Deep Decarbonization of Kyoto’s Power Systems: Techno-Economic-Social Considerations,” Applied Energy, 275, 115419, 2020
  • Uwasu M, Kishita Y, Hara K and Nomaguchi Y, Citizen-participatory Scenario Design Methodology with Future Design Approach: A Case Study of Visioning for Low-Carbon Society in Suita City, Japan, Sustainability, 12(11), 4746, 2020
  • Hara K, Yoshioka R., Kuroda M, Kurimoto S and Saijo T, Reconciling intergenerational conflicts with imaginary future generations - Evidence from a participatory deliberation practice in a municipality in Japan, Sustainability Science, 14(6), 1605-1619, 2019


  • Iwasaki Y, Kobashi T, Fuchigami Y, Hara K, Future Scenarios and Assessment of Gradual Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies towards 2050: Case Study of a Japanese Municipality, SSRN, 2023, 2023
  • Hara K, Arai T, Liao Z, Ifuku N, Suzuki M, Designing Research and Development Strategies for Sustainable Supply Systems of Rare Metals from the Perspective of “Imaginary Future Generations”– A Participatory Deliberation Experiment, SSRN, 2023
  • Gaper E, Hara K, Lasting Effects of Future Design Practices and their Potential Application in the US Building Industry, SSRN, 2023
  • Hara K, Fuchigami Y, Arai T, Nomaguchi Y, Compatible Effects of Adopting Imaginary Future Generations and Systems Thinking in Exploring Future Challenges - Evidence from a Deliberation Experiment, SSRN , 2023
  • Hara K, Fuchigami Y, Nomaguchi Y, Kurashiki T, Eguchi M, Evaluation Criteria for R&D adopting “Imaginary Future Generations”— a Deliberation Experiment in an Engineering Company, SSRN , 2023
  • Peter Hoffmann, Yutaka Nomaguchi, Sabine Fritz, Jürgen Scheffran, Keishiro Hara, Integrating future design into the development of model-based climate services for future urban planning, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2023 , pp.950-954, 2023
  • Uwasu M, Kuroda M, Fuchigami Y, Hara K, Time framing and SDGs: can imaginary future generations alter people's perception and attitude? Proceedings of EcoDesign 2023 , pp.944-949, 2023
  • Hara K, Arai T, Liao Z, Ifuku N, Suzuki M, Designing Research Strategies for Sustainable Supply Systems of Metals from the Perspective of“Imaginary Future Generations”- a Participatory Deliberation Experiment, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2023 , pp. 963-968, 2023
  • Hara K, Naya M, Kitakaji Y, Kuroda M and Nomaguchi Y, Changes in Perception and the Effects of Personal Attributes in Decision-making as Imaginary Future Generations: Evidence from participatory environmental planning, RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 22-E-045
  • Hara K, Nomaguchi Y, Fukutomi S, Kuroda M, Fujita K, Kawai Y, Fujita M and Kobashi T, Policy Design by “Imaginary Future Generations” with Systems Thinking – a Practice by Kyoto City towards Decarbonization in 2050, SRRN
  • Hara K, Miura I, Suzuki M and Tanaka T, Assessing Future Potentiality of Technology Seeds from the Perspective of “Imaginary Future Generations” – a Case Study of Hydrothermal Technology, SRRN
  • Hara K, Miura I, Suzuki M and Tanaka T, Designing Research Strategy and Technology Innovation for Sustainability by Adopting “Imaginary Future Generations”—A Case Study Using Metallurgy, SRRN
  • Hara K, Kuroda M, Nomaguchi Y, How Does Research and Development (R&D) Strategy Shift by Adopting Imaginary Future Generations? - Evidence from Future Design Practice in a Water Engineering Company, SRRN
  • 原圭史郎, フューチャー・デザイン社会実践の方法論と今後の展望, 設計工学、58(2), 57-63, 2023
  • 野間口大, モデルベース・フューチャー・デザインの考え方と実践, 設計工学, 58(2), 52-56, 2023
  • 黒田真史, ベトナム・ホーチミン市で行ったフューチャー・デザイン・ワークショップの事例から考える発展途上国の水環境問題の現状, 設計工学, 58(1), 12-18, 2023
  • 倉敷哲生, 防災と教育への社会実践(フューチャー・デザインに基づく将来可能性教育, 設計工学, 58(1), 12-18, 2023
  • Peter Hoffmann, Jürgen Scheffran, Jobst Augustin, Sari Kovats, James Milner, Keishiro Hara, Yutaka Nomaguchi, Deniz Sirin, Dante Garro Castro, Developing climate services for future urban health based on an urban system approach, the 23th International Congress of Biometeorology, May14-17, Arizona State University, USA, 2023
  • Hara K, Future Design and Socio-technical Innovation, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2021
  • Uwasu M., Hara K, Kuroda M, Han J (2021) Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of environmental sustainability in China, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2021
  • Nomaguchi Y, Senoo R, Fukutomi S, Hara K, Kikuo Fujita (2021) Utilization method and effect evaluation of systems thinking in Future Design workshops-Case studies of policy-making workshops in local governments, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2021